AWS Consulting Partner

Shivcloud Pvt Ltd

AWS Cost Management Solutions

Comprehensive security capabilities to satisfy the most demanding requirements.Access as much or as little as you need, and scale up and down as required with only a few minutes notice.


Search, explore, filter, aggregate, and visualize your data in near real time for application monitoring, log analytics, and clickstream analytics.


Application integration is a enable communication between decoupled components within microservices, distributed systems, and serverless.


AWS provides multiple ways to get you started quickly and easily. AWS offers the broadest and deepest functionality for compute & most reliable, secure.

Migration & Transfer

We’ve taken our years of experience with migrations to AWS. comprehensive set of first and third party tools and services to help simplify and accelerate migrations.


Mostly applications are built serverless-first, a strategy that prioritizes the adoption of serverless services, so you can increase agility throughout your application.


A reliable, scalable, and secure place for your data.We are doing. Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3),Amazon Elastic File System,Amazon Elastic Block Store(EBS).


All containers in the Cloud AWS. We deploying ECR, ECS, Amazon EKS Distro, AWS Proton, AWS Fargate, Amazon Lightsail, EC2, AWS App2Container.

Machine Learning

Shivcloud ready for your fully managed service that provides every developer and data scientist with the ability to build, train, and deploy ML models at scale.
Looking more services Reach Us services.
Optimize Your Costs

AWS Solutions Reference Architectures.

Transform your business with cost transparency, control, forecasting, and optimization.
  • Raise awareness and accountability of your cloud spend with the detailed, allocable cost data
  • Track billing information across the organization in a consolidated view
  • Estimate your resource utilization and spend with forecast dashboards that you create
  • Scale and schedule your services based on your expected utilization pattern and needs
Migrate with AWS

Accelerate your migration and modernization plans

The most complete solutions to efficiently migrate to AWS and see business results faster.You can migrate any workload – applications, websites, databases, storage, physical or virtual servers – and even entire data centers from an on-premises environment, hosting facility, or other public cloud to AWS. Every step along the way, you can leverage AWS’s years of experience to build your organizational, operational, and technical capabilities, so that you can gain business benefits faste.
Cloud Migration
Awards WON
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You can migrate any workload – applications, websites, databases, storage, physical or virtual servers – and even entire data centers from an on-premises environment, hosting facility, or other public cloud to AWS. Every step along the way, you can leverage AWS’s years of experience to build your organizational, operational, and technical capabilities, so that you can gain business benefits faster.

AWS Migration Acceleration

Migrate to fully managed AWS databases

Managing databases to run at scale with high availability and reliability is difficult, time consuming and expensive.Explore the AWS portfolio of fully managed, high performance, and cost effective databases and learn about migrating to the AWS cloud.